Cross Cultural Training
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Throughout the years, Business Mandarin has accumulated knowledge and understandings pertaining to different industries, current affairs, and business processes through systematic research and through working with our clients. While much of this knowledge that constitutes our body of intellectual capital is proprietary, there is also much that we appreciate to share with the larger academic and business community. We have therefore devised a series in-house publication that are highly regarded by the academic and business communities, and are for sale to our prestige clients. Business Mandarin fully supports the work of our trainers and facilitators, who are also the authors to these invaluable publications.

A partial list of our publications available include:
1. Negotiation Skills in Business Mandarin
2. Business Presentation in Mandarin
3. Business Chinese Writing
4. Business Mandarin for Bankers
5. Business Mandarin for Accountants
6. Business Mandarin for Finance Professionals
7. Business Mandarin for Marketing & Sales Elite
8. Business Shanghainese